
Publication details [#1428]

Anderson, James and Amie D. Kinkaid. 2013. Media Subservience and Satirical Subversiveness: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The Propaganda Model and the Paradox of Parody. Critical Studies in Media Communication 30 (3).
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Taylor & Francis Ltd


The paper examines the role of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and "The Colbert Report" as examples of satirical news format, by using the propaganda model as reference framework. Arguing that the shows exemplify the art of sociopolitical satire, using humor to expose hypocrisies in media coverage, and highlighting inconsistencies in the current political scene, the goal of this work is to explore how two shows deconstruct dominant discourses and ideologies disseminated by commercial media. Moreover, strong hegemonic elements are often present in the discourses of both programs and are targeted to the dichotomous nature of discursive humor and the inherent paradox of sociopolitical parody.