Publication details [#14318]
Escalas Ruiz, María Isabel. 2019. El Valor Metafórico del Fairy Tale Posmoderno: Personajes Infantiles y Fantasmas del Pasado en el Cine Fantástico Contemporáneo de Habla Hispana (a Propósito de Guillermo del Toro y Juan Antonio Bayona). Brumal 7 (2) : 179–204. 26 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
GEF (Research Group on the Fantastic)
This paper studies the metaphorical meaning and the narrative structure of contemporary fairy tales along with their topics. The focus is on children’s characters that appear in a selection of Spanish fantasy films directed and/or produced by Guillermo del Toro y Juan Antonio Bayona. First, films by Del Toro are analyzed, namely, El espinazo del diablo (2001, director), El laberinto del fauno (2006, director) and Mamá (2013, executive producer, directed by A. Muschietti). Second, films by J.A. Bayona are examined, namely, El orfanato (2007, director), Un monstruo viene a verme (2016, director), and El secreto de Marrowbone (2017, executive producer, directed by Sergio G. Sánchez). The topics deal with mother-child bonds and the connections of the monstrous children characters with the world of fancy and ghosts.