
Publication details [#14359]

Santiago-Guervós, Javier de. 2019. Vocabulary, Story and Ideology in the Rhetoric of Persuasive Speech. Estudios de lingüística del español 40 : 9–26. 18 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
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Place, Publisher


Based on the theories of classical rhetoric dealing with the inventio, dispositivo, elocutio, memory and actio -common elements in any communicative act- this research article will focus on two of them inherently related to the persuasive rhetoric. One of them is connected to elocutio which refers to the specific vocabulary chosen with a particular intention at the time of the speech The second element would be the inventio or type of discourse selected for a specific communicative act: format in which the discourse is performed in order to reach the target recipient as effective as posible without a considerable amount of effort. From this approach, the word and the “container” through which the discourse is developed so as to appeal the recipient will be studied.