Publication details [#14363]
Arrieta Castillo, Carolina. 2019. Metáforas por las que vivimos el debate parlamentario en torno al matrimonio homosexual en España. Discurso & Sociedad 13 (4) : 595–616. 22 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
The discussion of the access to marriage by same sex couples has been a recurrent topic in the western world. Since 2004 when the Spanish government created a law project aiming at reviewing the Civil Code -in charge of this issue- numerous countries have joined the debate. In this article, the lexico-semantic aspects of this discourse will be reviewed from the metaphorical language used. Results show that progressive and conservative parties built an ideological, discursive and conceptual opposition throughout structural, orientational and ontological metaphors, making use of the concept os mobility/immobility to create in their audiences specific cognitive frames which are favorable to their ideologies.