
Publication details [#14380]

Atkins, Scott, Ashley Mote and Kristal Alexander. 2019. No Sympathy For The Bully: A Metaphor Analysis Of Two Speeches On The Topic Of Immigration. Metaphor and the Social World 10 (1) : 1–21. 21 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: John Benjamins


This study, being part of a project carried out by Portland State University, analyses political polarization by means of metaphor examination (Ritchie, Feliciano, & Sparks, 2018). This project is based on two sources of discourse on US immigration. Each of these sources exemplifies opposing perspectives on the immigration debate. One of the sources is Donald Trump’s speech as presidential candidate at a campaign rally, whereas the other is a speech by Senator Kamala Harris on the Senate floor. The aim of this project is to examine how metaphors are used in political discourse in order to show and/or build polarization between the opposing perspectives above mentioned.