
Publication details [#14391]

Chepurnaya, Alena. 2019. "Marking Epistemic Responsibility in English Media Discourse". Australian Journal of Linguistics 39 (4) : 511–524. 14 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Taylor & Francis


This paper presents an analysis of English media discourse considering how epistemic responsibility(ER)is marked. ER markers in this study are classified based on ER domain, which can be high, low, or disclaiming ER. Additional parameters are the level of the language system: syntactic or lexical; and the lexico-grammatical features. The corpus-based investigation conducted on the Newspaper section of the British National Corpus (BNC)highlights a preference for low ER, marked by means of three types of markers: main clause, adverbials and modal verbs in English media discourse. Disclaiming ER is also frequent, while high ER, characterised by main clause and adverbials, is marked less often.