Publication details [#14461]
Linkevičiūtė, Vilma. 2019. Conceptual Metaphors in Donald Trump’s Political Discourse: Politics Domain (2018). Studies About Languages 34 : 46–55. 10 pp. 
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Kaunas University of Technology
The paper investigates conceptual metaphors in Donald Trump’s political discourse concerning political events of 2018. The theoretical framework integrates Van Dijk’s (1997) theory about political discourse, Lakoff & Johnson’s (1980) approach to conceptual metaphor and additional relevant studies (Charteris-Black 2005). The author identifies dominant conceptual metaphors such as POLITICS IS WAR/ JOURNEY/ RACE/ LOVE/ CRIME/ BUSINESS/ GAME/ WATER/ SLEEP. Throughout the analysis, it is shown that conceptual metaphors have an evaluative potential in Trump’s political discourse, bearing either positive or negative connotations. The majority of these conceptual metaphors are based on the opposition I/we–they, enabling the target audience to understand Trump’s attitude to the USA, his electorate, colleagues, opponents and previous governments, and local and international affairs.