
Publication details [#14474]

Hamdan, Jihad and Aseel Zibin. 2019. The Conceptualisation of FEAR through Conceptual Metonymy and Metaphor in Jordanian Arabic. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies (IJAES) 19 (2) : 239–262. 24 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Semantic Scholar


The paper explores the metaphoric and metonymic conceptualization of FEAR in Jordanian Arabic. The authors adopt the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) and proceed to the juxtaposition of the conceptualization of FEAR in both Jordan Arabic and English. The data were collected from the comment section which is available on Facebook pages for cinemas in Amman. In particular, the commentary concerns thriller movies and it was provided by native speakers. Data analysis demonstrates that the similarities have to do with the universal embodied cognition, whereas the differences indicate sociocultural factors.