Publication details [#14524]
Barouni, M. 2019. Evidence from Greek in support of a scope Theory of EVEN. Studies for the Greek Language 39 : 213–222. 10 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Manolis Triandaphyllidis Foundation
The present article examines the interpretation of the particle even in Greek and its lexical properties. The author suggests that the different manifestations of even are best described by the scope analysis. These manifestations are realized by the linguistic elements akomi ke, oute kan and esto (ke), which depending on the context attribute negative connotation. Scope analysis accounts for the different elements that convey the same meaning when they appear in the same syntactic position. Overall, the lexical representation of even is influenced by the syntax-semantics interface, meaning that both the scope of the particle and its lexical semantics play an important role.