Publication details [#14528]
Stamatopoulos, Stamatis. 2019. Parameters of pragmatics in Greek Orthodox preaching. Glossologia 27 : 57–64. 8 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Department of Linguistics, University of Athens
The present article explores diachronically the language of preaching in the Orthodox tradition in biblical texts, medieval patristic exegesis, Orthodox Church hymns and the modern sermon. Based on the analysis, it is revealed that an interaction between conceptual elements (that the preaching exploits over time) and specific language choices is revealed; indicating that this kind of context bears timeless dynamics as well. The author is interested in studying the religious texts via a pragmatic approach, centering on aspects such as speech acts and politeness. Overall, the goal is to shed to light to the way a preacher interacts with his audience.