Publication details [#14534]
Diamantopoulou, Lilia and Zyranna Stoikou. 2015. Cavafy reanimated: Inter-medial transformations in comics and animation. Journal of Greek Media & Culture 1 (2) : 183–190. 8 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Intellect Ltd.
The present paper deals with the inter-medial transformations and translations of Cavafy’s work into comics and animation. The paper exemplifies the way the context and the meaning are transferred from the source to the final product – be it a comic or a film- and whether it is a “faithful” or “unfaithful” adaptation, highlighting key points of this procedure. The authors analyze in detail certain works, namely, Cavafy’s prose piece ‘Eis to fos tis imeras’/’In Broad Daylight’ (1895–96), as well as the poems ‘Ithaki’/’Ithaca’ (1911) and ‘Teichi’/’The Walls’ (1897).