Publication details [#14579]
Aldunate, Nerea, Vladimir López, Carlos Cornejo, Cristobal Moenne-Loccoz and David Carre. 2019. Analytical and Holistic Approaches Influence the Semantic Integration: Evidence from the N400 Effect. Revista Signos: Estudios de Linguistica 52 (100) : 217–241. 25 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
This article presents a piece of research which deals with semantic integration of both literal and metaphorical sentences and how this process is influenced by analytical and holistic approaches. To this end, ERP was used in order to record brain activation towards the participants’ response to literal and metaphorical sentences, as the subjects were asked whether they made sense to them. The N400 effect induced by the ERP activity to the subjects by means of a critical word which functioned as a trigger in each sentence was studied extensively. The results suggest that metaphorical sentences cause negative larger amplitudes than literal ones and that it is mainly two factors that must be taken into account in the process of meaning construction: the situational context and the person itself.