
Publication details [#14713]

Jiang, Yuhui. 2020. Curse, Contagion and Redemption: The Metaphors and Narrations of Illness in Recent Chinese Cinema. Film Art 3 : 34–41. 8 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


Disease is different from illness in that the former focuses on objective symptoms while the latter "expresses" subjective experience. Medical research focuses on the former, but artistic metaphors can highlight the latter. The modern medical mechanism takes the diagnosis of symptoms and the norms of health as its purpose, but the post-modern experience of disease and pain tries to ascribe the right of expression and moral responsibility to the subject of narrative. Especially in the images of disease in recent Chinese films, we find three kinds of temporal narrative and three typical metaphors that condense around the tripartite structure of curse, infection and redemption. Film as the expression of the experience and the truth witnessed by the subject, will also be the focus of this paper.