
Publication details [#14988]

Vásquez-Rocca, Liliana Cecilia. 2019. Semiosis between words and images on Twitter: How are meanings built by the presidential candidates of the 2017 elections in Chile? Galáxia 42 : 40–56. 17 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


The emergence of social media has led social actors to start using them, especially Twitter, as means of political campaigning around the world. Research on Discourse Analysis has focused on three lines: interaction, argumentation and hashtags. Yet, no study to date has payed special attention to the relationship between the meaning produced in images and that in words (intersemiosis) in a tweet. Hence, the authors aim at defining the intersemiotic relationships between words and static images used in tweets. More specifically, the tweets of 8 candidates of the 2017 presidential elections in Chile are chosen and analysed qualitatively. Results show that elaboration and evidence are the most prevailing relations, which are those associated with the measurement of interaction of the respective candidates.