
Publication details [#1642]

Cloutman, Lauren L., Richard Binney, David Morris, Geoffrey Parker and Matthew Lampon Ralph. 2013. Using in vivo probabilistic tractography to reveal two segregated dorsal‘language-cognitive’ pathways in the human brain. Brain & Language 127 : 230–240. 11 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: Elsevier


This paper explores previous studies on the dorsal system of the human brain, which is related to a variety of cognitive functions. It aims to support that the human brain is composed of numerous dorsal pathways. In order to account for this view, the authors use the method of “in vivo probabilistic tactography”. The results have shown that there is a dissociation between two pathways of the human brain: i) inner/ventro-dorsal arc of fibres (responsible for the acoustic-motor speech interface) and ii) outer-dorsal arc (responsible for object use and cognitive control interface). The core contribution of this study is that i) the left part of the human brain exhibits a higher functional complexity than the right one in terms of cognitive skills and ii) there are connective pathways for auditory-oral motor functions and for visual-semantic hand motor functions.