
Publication details [#1692]

Gibbons, Alison. 2013. Multimodal metaphors in contemporary experimental literature. In Hidalgo-Downing, Laura and Blanca Kraljevic Mujic. Metaphorical creativity across modes. Special issue of Metaphor and the Social World 3 (2): 180–198. 19 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: John Benjamins


The paper discusses four case studies of multimodal metaphor within contemporary experimental literature. The first of them is Anne Carson’s (2009) accordion-fold-out "book in a box" with its metaphor EMOTIONS ARE OBJECTS. The next two novels, Steve Tomasula and Stephen Farrell’s (1996) “TOC” and Mark Z. Danielewski’s (2006) “Only Revolutions”, designed to be rotated in reading, explore the metaphor TIME IS CIRCULAR MOTION. The last one, Ellis’ (2011) “SVK”, where one can read the characters' minds by shining UV light at them, exposes the metaphor KNOWLEDGE IS LIGHT. The authors of the paper demonstrate that multimodal metaphors are generated through the interaction of verbal and visual modes, and through a reader-user’s performative engagement with the text. Contrary to early theoretical assumptions that the two domains should be from different modalities, they argue for the more integrative character of multimodal metaphors, both in cognitive and semantic terms.