
Publication details [#1725]

Tay, Dennis. 2014. At the Heart of Cognition, Communication, and Language: The Value of Psychotherapy to Metaphor Study. Metaphor and the Social World 4 (1) : 48–64. 17 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: John Benjamins


This article discusses the strategic use and management of metaphors in psychotherapy in order to demonstrate that such use and management are and should be determined by the cognitive, communicative interaction, and linguistic considerations. Moreover, the author suggests that the efficacy of therapeutic metaphors can be evaluated in terms of their “discourse career” (Steen, 2011, p. 54) over a number of therapy sessions. In conclusion, the author points out that psychotherapy brings important contributions to the study of metaphor as well as the study of metaphor contributes to a better understanding of psychotherapeutic practice.