Publication details [#19626676]
Bagate, Rupali Amit and R. Suguna. 2020. Different Approaches in Sarcasm Detection: A Survey. In Hemanth, D. Jude, Subarna Shakya and Zubair Baig. Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things : ICICI 2019. Cham: Springer. pp. 425–433.
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
Sarcasm is an unwelcome impact or a linguistic circumstance to express histrionic and bitterly opinions. In sarcasm single word in a sentence can flip the polarity of positive or negative statement totally. Therefore sarcasm occurs when there is an imbalance between text and context. This paper surveys different approaches and datasets for sarcasm detection. Different approaches surveyed are statistical approach, rule based approach, classification approach and deep learning approach. It also gives insight to different methodologies used in past for sarcasm detection. After surveying we found deep learning is generating a good result as compare to other approaches.