Publication details [#19627426]
Saracco, Caterina. 2020. Sovversioni semantiche : Le espressioni idiomatiche tedesche e italiane in prospettiva cognitiva. In Allocca, Chiara, Francesca Carbone, Rosa Coppola and Beatrice Occhini. Sottosopra: Indagine su processi di sovversione [Upside-Down: Investigating Subversion Processes]. Napoli: UniorPress. pp. 213–227. URL
Publication type
Article in book
Publication language
This paper focuses on the use of the cognitive theory of conceptual metaphor and metonymy in the understanding of some German and Italian idioms. The aim is to show how metaphors and metonymies significantly contribute to simplifying the understanding as well as the acquisition and teaching of their meaning in a foreign language.