
Publication details [#19627969]

Wu, Sina, Zi Yang and Yingli Li. 2022. 语言文化与身体特异性对水平空间隐喻的影响. TCSOL Studies (华文教学与研究) (1) : 46–52+61.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


In order to explore the impact of language/culture and body specificity on horizontal spatial metaphor,sixtyMalaysian-Chinese bilinguals(L1 speakers of Malaysian) differing in handedness were tested on their horizontal spatialmetaphor connection in both L1 and L2 via two experiments. The results showed that,when tested in L2,both right-handersand left-handers assigned the positive value to their convenient side,and the negative value to their inconvenient side,showing a pattern consistent to the body specificity hypothesis. However,when tested in L1 Malaysian,the value-sideconnection in left-handers was reversed,and thus both right-handers and left-handers assigned the positive value to the rightside,and the negative value to the left side,showing a pattern consistent to Malaysian culture. The findings of the present studyreveal that culture is a powerful impact factor on individuals‘horizontal spatial metaphor connection. Individuals' horizontalspatial metaphor connection can be consistent with their handedness experience(i.e.,body specificity)only when they are outof the realm of their mother culture.