
Publication details [#2108]

Barbosa de Oliveira, Ana Eliza and Bento C. Dias-da-Silva. 2009. Investigating the regularities underlying the linguistic use of metaphor. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (4). URL


Investigating the regularities underlying the linguistic use of metaphor is investigating the "specific metaphor knowledge" that allows speakers to use, for example, the sentence 'Mary blew up with me' to mean "Mary became enraged with me," not "Mary's body did explode." The task of describing specific knowledge about linguistic metaphors (LM) is motivated by (i) cognitive studies on metaphor, which analyze LMs as stretches of language as instantiations of conceptual metaphors (CM) (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980), i.e., particular activations of cross-domain mappings between the S(ource)-domain and the T(arget)-domain, and by (ii) natural language processing studies on metaphor representation, which assert that successful natural language understanding by computers depends strongly on explicit knowledge representation (Martin 1990). In short, if the LM "Marry blew up with me" instantiates the conceptual metaphor ANGER IS CONTAINER UNDER PRESSURE (Kövecses 2007), the issue to be computationally tackled is how to model this instantiation relation. (Ana Eliza Barbosa de Oliveira and Bento C. Dias-da-Silva)