
Publication details [#2212]

Bonnet, Frédéric. 2007. Silvia Bächli: Une anatomie du monde / An anatomy of the world: The art of Silvia Bächli. DOC On-line: Revista Digital de Cinema Documentário 340 : 43–45. 3 pp.


On the occasion of the exhibition on show at the Pompidou Centre's graphic art galleries in Paris (7 Nov. 2007-7 Jan. 2008) the article discusses works on paper represented by the Swiss artist Silvia Bächli (b.1956). The author argues that through her images of traces and fragments Bächli offers an alternative approach to reality, describes her drawings as seemingly presenting a variety of unrelated motifs, and suggests that her work represents the artist's study of her own reality. He describes Bächli's compositions as constituting a series of clues forcing their re-composition by the viewer, suggests that the fragmentation of her installations acts as a metaphor for the fragmentation of our perception of reality, and concludes by arguing that the artist encourages the viewer to redefine their way of seeing by looking differently at what is around us. (LLBA, Accession Number 00541570, (c) CSA [2008]. All rights reserved.)