Publication details [#223]
Geary, James. 2011. I is an Other: The Secret Life of Metaphor and How It Shapes the Way We See the World. HarperCollins Publishers. 296 pp.
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
advertising | autism | brain | etymology | innovation | life without metaphor | metaphor and thought | mind | money | parables | pleasure | politics | proverbs | psychology | science | spectrum disorders
This volume discusses a number of topics all showing how metaphor, traditionally considered merely a decorative device, acts as a driving force in our society. Topics covered include how metaphor affects financial decision making, how it inspires learning and discovery, the role of metaphor in advertising, uses of metaphor as a tool to achieve emotional insight and psychological change, and how life without metaphor, as experienced by some people with autism spectrum disorders, significantly changes the way s/he interacts with the world.