
Publication details [#2307]

Glicksohn, Joseph, Susan Kraemer and Osnat Yisraeli. 1993. A note on metaphorical thinking and ideational fluency. Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso 8 (1) : 67–70. 4 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


We report an empirical study of the relationship between metaphorical thinking and creativity. Arguing that the two should be related, we employed the Barren Symbolic Equivalence Test to assess such metaphorical-creative thinking. The other measure employed in the study was an abbreviated version of the Alternate Uses Test, designed to assess ideational fluency. We found, as predicted, a positive relationship between metaphorical thinking and creativity (ideational fluency). (Joseph Glicksohn, Susan Kraemer, Osnat Yisraeli)