
Publication details [#2451]

Benton, Robin, Barbara Czechanski, Holley Pavy and Marly L. Sweeney. 1993. 'Breaking the law'. A metaphor for female empowerment through aggression: Women in film. Dicenda. Cuadernos de Filología Hispánica 21 (1) : 133–147. 15 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


(From beginning of paper) This article evolved from the collective learning experience of a study group whose focus was current psychoanalytic writings about female developmental theory. Readings during a three-year span included The Stone Center Papers; In a Different Voice (1982) by Carol Gilligan; Toward a New Psychology of Women (1976) by Jean Baker Miller; The Mermaid and the Minotaur (1976) by Dorothy Dinnerstein; The Reproduction of Mothering (1978) by Nancy Chodorow; The Creation of Patriarchy (1986) by Gerda Lerner; The Bonds of Love (1988) by Jessica Benjamin; Women's Ways of Knowing (1986) by Belenky et al.; and various papers by Karen Horney, Virginia Clower, Doris Bernstein, and Henri Parens. From these readings and subsequent discussions, a picture of a woman, a woman quite different from the one described by Freud, began to emerge. Freud's description, developed in the 1920s and 1930s, was held on to by psychoanalytic theorists until the mid-1970s. (Robin Benton, Barbara Czechanski, Holley Pavy. and Marly Sweeney)