
Publication details [#2464]

Berber Sardinha, Tony. 2007. Metáfora. São Paulo, Brazil: Parábola. 168 pp. URL


Metaphor is so human a resource that it may be the last thing that robots will understand in the future. They will probably reply when confronted with it, 'There is no record of it, there is no record of it...' Since it is so characteristic of human beings and of the way in which the latter use language, metaphor has raised many people's interest throughout the centuries. Even nowadays it is still interesting to a large number of scholars from a variety of fields, such as linguistics, applied linguistics, psychology, philosophy and lexicography, among others. The objective of this book is to make the Brazilian reader more aware of the current tendencies in the study of metaphor and to answer, in an accessible manner and in Portuguese, some of the questions of those interested in studying metaphor. (Publisher Book Description, translated by Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza)