
Publication details [#2510]

Bernárdez Sanchís, Enrique. 2000. A new look at our old (and not so old) philosophy. Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 8 : 281–299.


A review of George Lakoff and Mark Johnson's 'Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought' (New York: Basic Books, 1999) argues that this book is likely to prove even more influential than the authors' 1980 work 'Metaphors We Live By', which introduced conceptual metaphor theory, as their latest work provides a new perspective on traditional Western philosophy by applying the tools of conceptual metaphor theory to a cognitive analysis of basic philosophical concepts and eight philosophical theories. Lakoff and Johnson's hypothesis that philosophical reflection is based entirely on complex metaphors derived from bodily experience entails that philosophers must reexamine what they have been doing, as the only access to reality is through perception and all reflections on essence, including ethics, morality, and metaphysics, are ultimately reflections on self. Chomskyan linguistics is shown to be an aprioristic philosophical system that is not based on observation and is inconsistent with the great majority of research findings in cognitive science. (J. Hitchcock in LLBA 2002, vol. 36, n. 4)