
Publication details [#2626]

Publication type
Article in book  
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: John Benjamins


Andreas Blank presents further arguments for a frame-theoretical approach to metonymy. His paper critically examines the classifications of metonymy that have been proposed. He claims that most typologies of metonymy are defective in that a number of metonymies do not fit into any of the categories proposed. He argues that all types of metonymic changes can be subsumed under two major types: relations between entities that are co-present within a frame, and those that are successive within one frame or two related frames. His typological model of metonymy comprises three levels of abstraction: the two domains of co-present and successive contiguity at the highest level, schematic types of contiguity at the intermediate level and concrete linguistic metonymies at the lowest level. (Klaus-Uwe Panther and Günter Radden)