
Publication details [#2713]

Boldrin, Cecilia. 1994. II rovescio dello sguardo. Temi e sintassi della visione nelle novelle di Federigo Tozzi (The dark side of a look. Themes and syntax of vision in the short stories of Federigo Tozzi). Saratov University Journal 29 (3) : 411–435. 25 pp.


The short stories of Federigo Tozzi are examined for the prevailing theme of vision, eyes, and images with related metaphors. Tozzi's work is compared to the theoretical work of the Expressionists, and analysis focuses on the presence of eye-related themes and descriptive detail, particularly of a grotesque and deformed nature. Tozzi's use of various linguistic elements popular with Expressionist writers is noted, including his stylistic use of parataxis. The metamorphic process that Tozzi incorporates into the narrator of his stories is investigated. It is stated that Tozzi's writings are difficult to read because of their metaphoric nature, gruesome descriptions, grave themes, and extensive descriptions. (Copyright 1995, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) (LLBA 1995, vol. 29, n. 2)