
Publication details [#4135]

Publication type
Article in book  
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers


Recently, four new studies have been set up, i.e. Tyler and Evans (I2003), Morgan (1997), Hampe (2000), and Gries (1997, 1999). The paper by Tyler and Evans can be characterised, roughly speaking, as 'a-metaphorical' in orientation, whereas Morgan and Hampe continue and further extend the 'metaphorical drive'. In contrast to these exclusively semantic oriented studies, Gries also concentrates on the syntax of verb-particle constructions, especially on the possibilities of particle placement. The present paper highlights the main gains made by each of these approaches, while simultaneously making some of their unstated or implicit views more explicit. The need for a fully integrated syntactic-semantic approach is strongly emphasised. (René Dirven)