Publication details [#4429]
Faber, Pamela and Ricardo Mairal Usón. 1997. The paradigmatic and syntagmatic structure of the lexical field of feeling. Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 23-24 : 35–60. 26 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Following the Functional-Lexematic model elaborated by Martín Mingorance (1984; 1985ab; 1987abc; 1990), which integrates Coseriu's Theory of Lexematics (Coseriu 1977) and Simon Dik's Functional Grammar (Dik 1978ab, 1989), this paper aims to analyze in detail the internal structure of the lexical field of FEELING. According to the authors, the structure of our lexicon consists on two axes: (a) the paradigmatic axis, where lexical items are arranged onomasiologically in semantic fields, and (b) the syntagmatic axis, which specifies the complementation patterns of a given predicate. Thus, the lexicon is conceived as a structured whole divided into lexical fields, interconnected by a rich network of relations based on paradigmatic and syntagmatic features. In this line of thinking, superordinates in each corresponding field are determined through stepwise lexical decomposition, as proposed by Dik (1978), according to which the semantic hierarchy within lexical domains is established.
(Alba Luzondo Oyón, Ruiz de Mendoza Group)