Publication details [#452]
Huang, Xiaoxi, Huaxin Huang, Beishui Liao and Cihua Xu. 2013. An Ontology-Based Approach to Metaphor Cognitive Computation. Minds & Machines 23 (1) : 105–121. 17 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
The article explores the potential of computer-mediated understanding of natural language in its metaphorical aspects. Metaphor in this very context is understood as a conceptual device and the base in meaning-creating process. The authors embark on a project that aspires to bring the threads stemming from many layers of linguistic organisation, lexical, semantic and pragmatic. They refer to ontology as a kind of underlying principle in meaning construction, the method that encompasses the notion of representation. Conceptual Integration Theory model, that inevitably aspires to be the most advanced descriptive and explanatory tool in cognitive research, centrally involving metaphorical processes, as they posit, requires an additional input space that could accommodate the on-line contextually-based pragmatic information fed into the unified process of meaning construction and meaning comprehension.