
Publication details [#4828]

Fuster, Berenguer and María Trinidad. 1996. Voces de creación metafórica sobre el maíz y el trigo en el Atlas lingüístico y etnográfico de Aragón, Navarra y Rioja (Metaphorical word creation for corn and wheat in 'Atlas lingüístico de Aragón, Navarra y Rioja'). Estudios de Lingüística 11 : 139–147. 9 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


A presentation of several Spanish terms that have acquired meaning through metaphorical reference, with emphasis on the words related to 'maiz' (corn) and 'trigo' (wheat). Given that words do not inherently carry meaning but are given meaning based on speaker needs, it is shown that new meanings can result from metaphorical reference. The words investigated are extracted from the 'Atlas lingüístico de Aragón, Navarra y Rioja' ((Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of Aragon, Navarra, and Rioja) Alvar, M., et al, 1979-1983) with definitions and usage of related words localized by each of the three regions. (LLBA 1998, vol. 32, n. 5)