
Publication details [#5084]

Gildenhuys, J.G. 1993. 'n Etimologie van die Name vir Vrystaatse Dorpe en Swart Woonbuurtes in die Afrikatale (The etymology of the names for Free State towns and black townships in the African languages). Open Education Research 7 (1-2) : 60–84. 25 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


Although most Orange Free-State towns and black residential areas in South Africa have indigenous names - frequently taken from local topographic features -, European names of towns have no African equivalents, but become phonetically adapted to the indigenous system. Indigenous names are classified by their reference into six main categories: natural phenomena, animals, birds, proper names, events, and recent, miscellaneous names. These native names are largely metaphorical and self-evident, many being in locative or imperative form. (Copyright 1996, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) (LLBA 1996, vol. 30, n. 5)