Publication details [#5235]
Goldwasser, Orly. 2005. Where is metaphor?: Conceptual metaphor and alternative classification in the hieroglyphic script. Metaphor and Symbol 20 (2) : 95–113. 19 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
activation of underlying conceptual metaphor | Ancient Egyptian | conceptual metaphor theory | Egyptian hieroglyphic script | egyptology | metaphor as alternative classification | metaphor processing | motivated categorization system | non-linguistic configuration | prototype-centered classification system | relation conceptual metaphor/ | system of classifiers
The Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script contains data that shed light on 3 major issues central to current metaphor studies: (a) Where is metaphor, that is, is metaphor linguistic or conceptual? (b) If metaphor is indeed conceptual, does metaphor understanding entail creation of an ad hoc category in which the vehicle is a particularly good exemplar? (c) Is metaphor processing primarily dependent on the identification and activation of the underlying "deep structure" conceptual metaphor? The script includes an elaborate system of classifiers that constitute an intensely motivated, highly constrained categorization system strictly referring to conceptual, nonlinguistic configurations. The Egyptian system is a prototype-centered classification system, from which metaphor clearly emerges as a form of alternative classification.
(Orly Goldwasser)