Publication details [#6037]
Hook, Glenn D. 1985. Making nuclear weapons easier to live with: The political role of language in nuclearization. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 1 : 67–77. 11 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
An excellent piece regarding the effects of the 'nuclearization' of language. Well researched data from the mouths of strategists. Includes observations on weapons life cycle, male narcissism, humanizing damage, and strategic terminology. Hook rejects the view of metaphor as mere common euphemisms, investigating instead "how they contribute to the maintenance of the nuclear political system....In this case, the danger of nuclear war may be obfuscated instead of highlighted, precluded from thought instead of thought about, and accepted as normal instead of an aberration." (p.68)
(Tim Rohrer)