Publication details [#670]
Velasco-Sacristán, Marisol. 2010. Interacción entre metáfora y metonimia en el discurso publicitario. Cuenca : Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2010. 11 pp.
Publication type
Book – conference proceedings
Publication language
This study is concerned with the interaction between metaphor and metonymy and their monomodal or multimodal realizations in the advertising discourse. According to Forceville (1991, 2006) and Ungerer (2000) advertised products or services can be metaphorically conceived in terms of more or less related concepts (e.g. EL HELADO ES UNA BANDERA, LA BESTIA ES BELLEZA, EL CHOCOLATE ES AMOR/SEXO). Moreover, Ungerer (2000) shows that advertised products/services can be represented by means of metonymies, such as EFFECT FOR CAUSE (e.g. FUMAR ES INFORMACIÓN SOBRE EL CÁNCER DE PULMÓN), CONTAINER FOR CONTENT (e.g. LA REVISTA SOBRE EL MOTOR ES UNA CARRETERA), or ACTION FOR INSTRUMENT (e.g. EL CUCHILLO ES PESCADO CORTADO). Finally, there are cases of metaphors based on metonymies (e.g. LAS MUERTES POR TABAQUISMO SON MUERTES POR TERRORISMO) or metonymies of metaphorical origin (e.g. EL SUAVIZANTE FLOR ES ATAQUE A LA SUCIEDAD).