
Publication details [#6825]

Koro-Ljunberg, Mirka. 2001. Metaphors as a way to explore qualitative data. 13 pp. URL
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


Qualitative data can allow us to see multiple meanings and realities of human experiences. Sometimes the variations of realities makes interpretation challenging. This article provides examples of how metaphors, related to the life history context, 'extend horizons of insight and create new possibilities' (Morgan, 1997, p. 351) to view the participants, the researcher, and the story of research as well as to add to the knowledge about Finnish scientists' creative processes. Metaphors connect different layers of text (academic story (normal font), personal story (bold font), and the meta-story) and tease out a story of research with multiple faces, changing stages, views, and alternative interpretations. I do not look for conclusions or a single definition of creativity. Rather, I ask questions and trouble the 'category of creativity', addressing methodological issues of educational research. (Mirka Koro-Ljunberg)