
Publication details [#7259]

Lerma Fernandez, Maria P. 2002. Analysis of terms and expressions on emotions: A cognitive semantics study. Valladolid, Spain. 539 pp.


The main goal of this investigation is to study of terms and expressions on emotions from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. This investigation includes an introduction, seven chapters, conclusion, list of difficult terms and bibliography. In the first chapter we have done a cognitive semantics study. In this chapter we had two objectives: first, to bring the new development and foundations of cognitive semantics. Second, to compare cognitive semantics with preceding linguistics theories. In the second chapter we study metaphor and metonymy from a cognitive perspective. Metonymy as a cognitive model has not received as much attention as metaphor from cognitive linguists, though Lakoff, in a seminal book (Lakoff 1987) devoted an important chapter to assess the relevance of metonymic models. Recently, though, a number of excellent articles have been produced by well-known cognitive linguists in an effort to account in detail for the many aspects of language where metonymy plays a fundamental role. The methodological tools to account for this analysis are in the third chapter. First, we distinguish between feelings and emotions. Second, we choose our variables of study: love, anger, sadness, happiness, shame, pride and guilt. And finally, we apply our method of analysis: "cognitive scenarios", psychological predicate, and metaphoric and metonymic expressions of emotions. In the fourth chapter we study the love. In the fifth chapter our object of study is the anger. In the sixth the sadness and the happiness. And finally, in the seventh chapter we study the pride, shame and the guilt. (Dissertation Abstracts)