
Publication details [#7274]

Levin, Samuel R. 1993. Language, concepts, and worlds: Three domains of metaphor. In Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. Metaphor and thought: The state of the art. In : 3–16. : 112–123. 12 pp.
Publication type
Article in book  
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Cambridge , UK: Cambridge University Press


Samuel Levin's approach differs from Searle's (1993). Although he considers Searle's theory "extremely beneficial to the study of metaphor" [p.112], he expresses the hope that he will "develop a theory of metaphor applicable to poetic metaphors" [p.113], and this may call for a point of view different from Searle's. In particular, he holds that ordinary metaphors require a mental model on the part of the speaker, while in literary metaphors, typically, "the burden of construal falls on conceiving preternatural states of affairs" [p.122]. But in his article (which is a revision of the one published in the first edition of Ortony's book in 1979, that was entitled 'Standard approaches to metaphor and a proposal for literary metaphor' - not 'Some observation on the pragmatics metaphor', like it is written in a footnote) he presents a proposal, while the theory of literary metaphor is still no more than a simple wish. (Elisabetta Gola)