Publication details [#7474]
Luchjenbroers, June. 2006. Cognitive Linguistics Investigations: Across Languages, Fields and Philosophical Boundaries. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xiii, 334 pp. 
Publication type
Book – monograph
Publication language
The total body of papers presented in this volume captures research across a variety of languages and language groups, to show how particular elements of linguistic description draw on otherwise separate aspects (or fields) of linguistic investigation. As such, this volume captures a diversity of research interest from the field of cognitive linguistics. These areas include: lexical semantics, cognitive grammar, metaphor, prototypes, pragmatics, narrative and discourse, computational and translation models; and are considered within the contexts of: language change, child language acquisition, language and culture, grammatical features and word order and gesture. Despite possible differences in philosophical approach to the role of language in cognitive tasks, these papers are similar in a fundamental way: they all share a commitment to the view that human categorization involves mental concepts that have fuzzy boundaries and are culturally and situation-based.
(Publisher Book Description)
Table of contents
Preface ix–x
Bibliographical information xi–xiii
1. Introduction: Research issues in cognitive linguistics
June Luchjenbroers 1–10
Cultural models and conceptual mappings
2. When does cognitive linguistics become cultural? Case studies in Tagalog voice and Shona noun classifiers
Gary B. Palmer 13–45
3. Purple persuasion: Deliberative rhetoric and conceptual blending
Seana Coulson and Todd Oakley 47–65
4. Depicting fictive motion in drawings
Teenie Matlock 67–85
5. Discourse, gesture, and mental spaces manoeuvers: Inside vs. outside F-space
June Luchjenbroers 87–105
Computational models and conceptual mappings
6. In search of meaning: The acquisition of semantic structure and morphological systems
Ping Li 109–137
7. Grammar and language production: Where do function words come from?
Joost Schilperoord and Arie Verhagen 139–168
8. Word recognition and word merger
Paul Warren 169–186
Linguistic components and conceptual mappings
9. Verbal explication and the place of NSM semantics in cognitive linguistics
Cliff Goddard 189–218
10. “How do you know she’s a woman?”: Features, prototypes and category stress in Turkish ‘kadin’ and ‘kiz’
Robin Turner 219–234
11. Cross-linguistic polysemy in tactile verbs
Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano 235–253
12. How experience structures the conceptualization of causality
Maarten Lemmens 255–270
13. Subjective predicates in Japanese: A cognitive approach
Satoshi Uehara 271–291
14. Figure, ground and connexity: Evidence from Xhosa narrative
David Gough 293–303
15. Discourse organization and coherence
Ming-Ming Pu 305–324
Name Index 325–327
Subject Index 329–334