
Publication details [#8042]

Moore, Kevin Ezra. 2006. Space-to-time mappings and temporal concepts. Cognitive Linguistics 17 (2) : 199–244. 46 pp.


Most research on metaphors that construe time as motion (motion metaphors of time) has focused on the question of whether it is the times or the person experiencing them (ego) that moves. This paper focuses on the equally important distinction between metaphors that locate times relative to ego (the ego-based metaphors Moving Ego and Moving Time) and a metaphor that locates times relative to other times (SEQUENCE is RELATIVE POSITION ON A PATH). Rather than a single abstract target domain TIME, these two kinds of temporal metaphor metaphorize different kinds of temporal concept-perspective-specific vs. perspective-neutral temporal concepts. Recognition of this distinction enhances the explanatory potential of conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff and Johnson 1980). An example involves the interaction of deixis and the temporal reference crosslinguistically of vocabulary with the spatial meanings IN-FRONT and BEHIND. More generally, this approach refines our ability to describe the temporal concepts involved in motion metaphors of time. Such temporal concepts are present not only in the target domains, but also in the source domains of motion metaphors of time, where we find space-to-time metonymy, which may play a role in motivating the metaphors. In order to distinguish such metonymy from metaphor, we need to characterize metaphor as a mapping across frames rather than domains. (Kevin Ezra Moore)