
Publication details [#808]

Bilge, Gok, Ozge Erdogan, Ozen Senay Altinkaynak and Tolga Erdogan. 2012. Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions about Concept of Measurement and Assessment Through Metaphor Analysis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 46 : 1997–2003. 7 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Amsterdam: Elsevier


Measurement and assessment is the important part of learning-teaching process. Teachers’ perceptions of measurement and assessment process, which provide crucial feedbacks on the subjects such as determining the progress and achievement of students, revealing the effectiveness of current teaching techniques, is important in terms of more productive process of measurement and assessment. Studies have revealed that teachers have problems in measurement and assessment. It is thought that the reason of these problems probably arise from the teachers’ perspectives. It is a must to reveal the teachers’ perceptions about concept of measurement and assessment determine the reason of problems. The aim of this study is to investigate the pre-service classroom and preschool teachers’ perceptions about concept of measurement and assessment through metaphor analysis. Qualitative research technique was used to collect, analyze and interpret data. In collecting data metaphors were used. The data is going to be analyzed with content analysis