Publication details [#906]
Tan, Mei, Baptiste Barbot, Catalina Mourgues and Elena L. Grigorenko. 2013. Measuring metaphors: Concreteness and similarity in metaphor comprehension and gifted identification. Educational & Child Psychology 30 (2) : 89–100. 12 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language
Place, Publisher
British Psychological Society
The purpose of this article is to develop the test that Aurora Battery presents in her work Metaphors to identify gifted students. The authors present a subtest of Metaphors that serves as a new measure for the identification of gifted students. The paper defends that the comprehension of metaphors requires a combination of comparative, categorical, and evaluative thinking, and an ability to map meanings – literal and figurative – from one word to another. This is why the authors believe that metaphors can contribute to the identification of giftedness. In the first study they performed, investigators identified the items that seem to contribute to the discrimination of gifted students most effectively. This first study therefore illustrates the potential of the Metaphors subtest to access analytical thinking for the differentiation of gifted students. In their second study they characterized the comparative terms of each subtest item according to the concreteness and similarity of their comparative terms. The authors’ point is that gifted children may be better identified when these aspects are considered and that this subtest may offer a richer picture of gifted students’ thinking process in general.