
Publication details [#9076]

Publication type
Article in book  
Publication language
Place, Publisher
Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers


In his claim about the non-existence of any objective knowledge ("the world appears as a result of our creative activity"), Zdravko Radman (University of Zagreb, Croatia) takes a rather extreme cognitive position. Unlike other cognitively inspired approaches, e.g. Knoblauch (1998) as well as cognitive semantics, Radman's thesis does not refer to any sort of universal (bodily, cultural, etc.) 'grounding' of this creative activity. It comes close to (or even surpasses) the border of radical subjectivism, according to which the process of attributing meaning becomes a highly arbitrary, individual matter. Linking up with van Noppen (1998), however, the author defends the thesis that positivist scientific language is not incompatible with metaphorical reasoning and that exactness may also be achieved by metaphorical refinements of meaning. (Kurt Feyaerts and Lieven Boeve)