
Publication details [#9198]


Culture-specific metaphors are best represented in phraseology. Native language idioms and set phrases can blend together ethno-specific concepts pertaining to the world view of its speakers, to their national character, as well as to their traditional community relations, thus becoming an embodiment of national mentality, dispositions and spirit. Culturally specific image schemes of conceptualizing reality become particularly apparent when phraseologies of different languages are compared and contrasted. A contrastive comparison of Russian and English idioms describing deception - a socially, mentally and ethically marked behavior - testify to the effect that they are coached in their own cultural concepts that form and reflect an integrated ethno-cultural space and its values. In particular, in contrast to the English language, Russian is rich in idiomatic expressions which metaphorically - figuratively, symbolically - picture deception as manipulating with other person's body parts, cf. 'to powder sb's brains', 'to lead sb by the nose', 'to pull the nose', 'to press sb's glasses', 'to turn sb around one's finger', 'to drive over sb's ears', 'to hang noodles on sb's ears', etc. They compress over Russian speakers' attitudes towards interpersonal relations between community members, as well as towards their self-control and privacy which turn to be diametrically opposed to the attitudes assumed in the Anglo-Saxon culture. (Nadezhda Riabtseva)