
Publication details [#928]

Delgado Fernández, Rebeca. 2013. Summary of phraseological units related to senses: Spanish / French contrastive analysis and a conceptual classification proposal. Sintagma: Revista de lingüística 25 : 47–61. 15 pp.
Publication type
Article in journal
Publication language


This article is a study of 47 phraseologisms related to human senses in Spanish. The paper classifies these 47 phraseological units in a taxonomy that is believed to be useful and effective for Francophone students that are acquiring Spanish as a foreign language. The study concentrates on the production of a contrastive list of Spanish/French selected units, and elaborates a classification based on four criteria: syntactic structure, discourse level, idiomaticity and possible equivalence. As a result, the investigation provides a conceptual taxonomy of these units in terms of metaphors and concepts shared by Spanish and French languages based on proposals drawn from cognitive linguistics.