
Publication details [#9715]

Schmidt, Torben. 2004. Cutting the Russian Bear down to size on the graveyard of champions: An analysis of the metaphors used in the 2002 Official Wimbledon film. 7 : 76–104. 29 pp.


The present paper aims to discuss the main metaphor theories within Linguistics as the basis for the analysis of the recurrent usage of metaphors in the 2002 Official Wimbledon Film - a report that summarizes the entire tournament -. The three theoretical frameworks distinguished are the following: (i) Max Black's (1962, 1979) Interaction Theory, which defines metaphors as "an interaction of two thoughts" (Ivor Richard, 1936); (ii) Lakoff and Johnson's (1980) 'Metaphors we live by', according to which language is metaphorical in nature; and finally (iii) Weinrich's (1958, 1963) Image fields, i.e. a study of metaphors situated within larger domains. The rest of the paper is devoted to the quantitative and qualitative analysis of image donor fields such as: war, military, religion, bible, nature, animals, etc. that are to be found in the 2002 Official Wimbledon Film. (Alba Luzondo Oyón, Ruiz de Mendoza Group)