
Publication details [#1630]

Hurtado Albir, Amparo. 1999. Enseñar a traducir: metodología en la formación de traductores e intérpretes [Teaching to translate: methodology in translator and interpreter training] (Colección Investigación Didáctica). Barcelona: Edelsa. 256 pp.


The book covers the main aims and methodology of language, translation and interpreting teaching in a translation and interpreting degree: teaching the mother tongue and foreign languages; the first steps in translation practice; specialized translation in the legal, literary and audiovisual domains; or the most important interpreting modes (sight translation, liaison, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting). The authors try to establish the pedagogical role, main and specific aims, the reference materials, methodology, and assessment. The book also covers several languages, including Spanish, Catalan, English, French and German.
Source : BITRA / J. Franco

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