
Publication details [#9937]

[no author]. 2004. L'aventure flamande de la Revue belge: langues, littératures et cultures dans l'entre-deux-guerres [The Flemish advanture of the Revue Belge: languages, literature and culture during the interbellum period] (Documents pour l'Histoire des Francophonies 5). Bern: Peter Lang. 399 pp.


This work renews the traditional study of literature in Belgium, by exploring the 'intra-Belgian' contacts in the interbellum period. How have the multiple contacts influenced, especially via translation, the development of the Flemish and Walloon languages, literatures and cultures? How have they contributed to the construction of a national identity in a multilingual, geopolitical zone on a key moment in its linguistic-political evolution? Moreover, the reader will discover precious information on Cyril Buysse, André De Ridder or Felix Timmermans and also about the author of Fables de Pitje Schramouille, Roger Kervyn de Marcke ten Driesche, who plays an important role in this adventure of among others Paul Tschoffen and Pierre Goemare. Belgium in the interbellum period reveals a global world avant la lettre, a nice example of literary dynamics in a strategic zone in Europe, and it is a plea for international comparative studies.
Source : Based on publisher information

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